Mapping Police Violence collected data on more than 1,200 killings by police in 2024.
We compiled this information from media reports, obituaries, public records, and databases like The Gun Violence Archive and the Washington Post. As such, this report represents the most comprehensive public accounting of deadly police violence in 2024. Our analysis suggests a substantial proportion of all killings by police in 2024 could have been prevented and that specific policies and practices might prevent police killings in the future.
Scroll to explore the findings.
At least 1,260 people were killed by police in 2024.
More people were killed by police in 2024 than any other year in the past decade.
New Mexico had the highest rate of killings by police of any state in 2024. Over the past decade, New Mexico has consistently had one of the highest rates of police violence in the nation.
96%of people killed by police in 2024 were killed by police shootings. Tasers, physical force, and police vehicles accounted for most other deaths.
Officers were charged with a crime in only 9 of these cases. Less than one percent of all killings by police.
Each year, fewer than 3% of killings by police result in officers being charged with a crime. Officers are disproportionately prosecuted by Black prosecutors — especially Black women. Representing only 1% of the nation’s elected prosecutors, Black women were 8% of prosecutors who charged officers for killing someone, 11% of prosecutors convicting officers and 16% of prosecutors charging officers in two or more deadly force incidents from 2013-2024.
White Male
White Female
Black Male
Black Female
Hispanic Male
Hispanic Female
Asian Male
Asian Female
We were able to identify officers in 168 cases. At least 8 had shot or killed someone before.
Officers identified (168)
Officers with one prior shooting (6)
Officers with two or more prior shootings (2)
Officers not reported/unable to be identified (1,092)
Most killings began with police responding to suspected non-violent offenses or cases where no crime was reported. 154 people were killed after police stopped them for a traffic violation.
Suspected non-violent offense or no reported crime (619)
Traffic violation (154)
Unknown (99)
In 2024, California Assembly Bill 2773 went into effect. This law requires police to state the reason for any traffic stop before asking any questions, preventing police from using minor traffic violations as a pretext to question and investigate people for unrelated issues.
Tennessee moved in the opposite direction: enacting a new law in 2024 that blocks cities from restricting police traffic enforcement. This law threatens to undo progress made in Memphis, where city council members restricted enforcement of minor traffic violations after Memphis police killed Tyre Nichols in 2023.
119people were killed after police responded to reports of someone behaving erratically or having a mental health crisis.
Mental Health/Welfare Check (119)
Traffic Stop (154)
Domestic Disturbance (64)
Other Non-Violent Offense (170)
Person with a Weapon (99)
Other Crimes Against People (109)
Violent Crime (388)
None/Unknown (157)
At least 25 states had official data collection and/or reporting requirements in effect for police use of force in 2024. But many states do not require their databases to be made publicly accessible, and even when the data is made public it’s often incomplete. For example, New York reported fewer than 30% of all police killings in 2024 due to some of the state’s largest law enforcement agencies including the NYPD not reporting cases to the state.
76people killed by police were unarmed.
Unarmed (76)
Vehicle (76)
Knife/sharp object (239)
Other object (64)
Gun (691)
Undetermined (114)
Most unarmed people killed by police were people of color.
Black (22)
Hispanic (20)
Asian/Pacific Islander (1)
White (25)
Unknown (8)
Black people were more likely to be killed by police, more likely to be unarmed and less likely to be threatening someone when killed.
Other / Unknown
Police disproportionately kill Black people, year after year.
Other / Unknown
76people killed by police had a vehicle as a weapon.
Unarmed (76)
Vehicle (76)
Knife/sharp object (239)
Other object (64)
Gun (691)
Undetermined (114)
50 of these people were killed when police shot at a moving vehicle, a practice many experts say should be banned.
Vehicle, Killed by Police Shooting (50)
Killed by Police Vehicle (26)
Experts, law enforcement groups, and the US Department of Justice recommend that police be banned from shooting at people in moving vehicles. These shootings are particularly ineffective and dangerous, since shooting the driver can make the vehicle an uncontrollable threat to both officers and the public.
Despite this, most police departments continue to allow officers to shoot people in these situations.
239people killed by police were allegedly armed with a knife.
Unarmed (76)
Vehicle (76)
Knife/sharp object (239)
Other object (64)
Gun (691)
Undetermined (114)
In many countries, police routinely disarm people who have knives without shooting them.
In the United Kingdom, a country of 69 million people where police encounter knife attacks at a similar rate as US police, police fatally shot 2 people with knives in 2024. In Los Angeles County, with a population of 10 million, law enforcement officers fatally shot 9 people allegedly armed with knives in 2024.
Half of those killed by police were reportedly armed with a gun.
Unarmed (76)
Vehicle (76)
Knife/sharp object (239)
Other object (64)
Gun (691)
Undetermined (114)
But 1 in 5 people with a gun were not threatening anyone when they were killed. They might have been de-escalated instead.
Gun, allegedly threatening someone (489)
Gun, not alleged to be threatening someone (137)
Guns, undetermined (65)
64% of killings by police in 2024 — 718 deaths — were traffic stops, police responses to mental health crises, or situations where the person was not reportedly threatening anyone with a gun. Creating alternatives responses to these situations could substantially reduce this violence nationwide.
Mental Health/Welfare Check (119)
Traffic Stop (154)
Person Not Alleged to be Threatening with a Gun (445)
Undetermined (131)
Which would mean substantially fewer people killed by police in almost every city.
San Antonio PD
Timothy Scott
Jeffrey Kyle Schopp
Joseph Garcia
Robby Jay Hernandez
Angel Gabriel Cuevas
Sachin Kumar Sahoo
Jervon Jervy Harper
Roberto Guadalupe Gonzalez
Jorge Chacon-Gutierrez
Juan Antonio Hernandez
Jaevel Andrew Boulding
Mikey Valdez
Raymond Mireles
Christopher Dahl
John Garcia
Phoenix PD
Rey David Martinez
Carlos Fregoso
Essex Jackson
Imani Jackson
Sergio Francisco Alvarez
Miguel Godines
John Michael Lewis Jr.
Marion Joyner
Saul Alonso Loya
Joshua Main
Devin Gerrod Montgomery
Christopher Raymond Tavares
Guy Robert Vogel Jr.
Junior Reyes
New York PD
Vilmond Jean-Baptiste
Pedro Felix
Andre Mayfield
Christian Emile
Devon Allen
Jesus A. Nunez Reyes
Win Rozario
Djamshed Nematov
Geoffrey Parirchet
Mark Francis Kelly
Christopher Ferguson
Gary Worthy
Nathan Scott
Houston PD
Shawn Dewayne Hammond
Name withheld by police
Edgin Tavera
Billy Clay Napoleon Tyler
Nathanael Isaac Pinon
Edmundo Meza
Name withheld by police
Ivan Gutierrez
Name withheld by police
Kevin Wayne Bayer
Brandon Jordan Avery
Ricardo Ivan Balboa Aguilar
Los Angeles PD
Lavell Adams
Ricardo Ramirez
Joanna Lua
Alexander Aguilar Larios
Hugo Cachua
Wilver Blanco
Yong Yang
Zeff Rocco
Jason Lee Maccani
Name withheld by police
Aundre Jones
Sean Griffin
Indianapolis Metropolitan PD
Christopher L. Worrell
Elijah Hakiem Radford
Jerrett Gray Jr.
Luis Duran-Ruano
Kentrail Small
Name withheld by police
Julius Hill
Kelvin Andrew Chandler
Lemar Brandon Qualls
Dominique Durham
Raphael Nafees Dekemper
Los Angeles County Sheriff's Office
Julio Palomares
Cody Dodd-Thompson
Luis Flores
Adrian Agustin Pilar
Jose Acosta
Martin Sebastian
Joseph Henson
Jonathan Foster
Zachary Lewis
Jerman Magana
Noor Sharif Ramsis
San Bernardino County Sheriff's Office
Jefte Vargas Ramirez
Edward Jensen Dass
Albert Park
Nicholas Contreras
Aaron James
Keith Vinyard
Ryan Gainer
Cesar Martha
Lavon Green
Angeleno Davonte Sykes
Columbus Division of Police
Lamine Mahmoudi
Benjamin Wheeler
Samuel Sharpe Jr.
Noel Hernandez
Colin Jennings
Holly Graham
Rafael Warfield
Ali Hamsa Yusuf
Corey Roach
Las Vegas Metropolitan PD
Cesar Reyes
Brandon Durham
Percy Hawkins
Kyle Wilson Norris
Maurice Smith
Ismael Castillo
Jose Luis Saenz
Seth Wilson
Lee Derek Lawson
Albuquerque PD
Matthew Freddie Garcia
Matthew Sanchez
Dale Meador
Mariah Voigt
Anthony Hernandez
Derek Pickett
Mark Benavidez
Joseph Baca
Riverside County Sheriff's Office
Name withheld by police
Joseph Gloria
Jennifer Rose Dobbins
Lucas Michael Rutledge
Kenneth Andrew Soto
Ernesto Rodriguez
David Leslie Genereux
Anthony Ray Mix
Texas Department of Public Safety
John Darrel Schultz
Jose Manuel Ruiz-Sanchez
Carlos Daniel Hinojosa Hernandez
Luis Miquel Navarro
Name withheld by police
Name withheld by police
Trevor James Myrick
Charles McCauley
U.S. Marshals Service
Samuel Story
Derrick Smith
Jorge Oliverio Roldan-Guevara
Victor Delgadillo
Matthew Walsh
Name withheld by police
Name withheld by police
Shamar Leggette
Pennsylvania State Police
Gabriella Nicole Morgan
Jacob Nathaniel Grebbien
Ridge Ryen Rhodes
Justin Giordon
Ricky Jacob Shannon
Gary Lee McCartney
Logan Cumberland
Corpus Christi PD
Anthony Rodriguez Jr.
Dwayne Earl Johnson
Preston Graham
Christopher Allen Smith Jr.
Alfred Martinez
Colten Wade Foster
Orange County Sheriff's Office
Richard Green
Coby Granger
Tristan James Robert Mayberry
Name withheld by police
Decarlos Cornelius Long
Deshaun Albert Dunmyer
Sacramento County Sheriff's Office
Name withheld by police
Christopher Gilmore
Thomas Konvalin
Israel David Price
Name withheld by police
William Wilson
Anchorage PD
James V. Afuvai
Easter Leafa
Tyler May
Lisa Fordyce-Blair
Kristopher K. Handy
Arlington PD
Edgar Ivan Ayala Garcia
Michael Bassey
Sean Daniel McKay
Tony Dupree Coward
Shannon Boyd
Austin PD
Ensel Maclare-Urgelles
Thomas Dray Price
Zachary Labrie
Franklin Miller
Alfonso Gonzales
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Name withheld by police
Alexander Hilton Randles
Ethan Gosch
Name withheld by police
Jacob T. Bible
Fort Wayne PD
Ah Mee Kun
Gawon Kaerey Benson
Linzell Parhm
John Edward McCloud
Samuel Sterling Caston
Greenville County Sheriff's Office
Joseph Dominic Mason
Daziana Natasha Kian�te Lewis
Rene Mercado Contreras
Robert Lee Campbell
Ronald Dean Beheler
Harris County Sheriff's Office
Emile Ciampichini
Patrick Hurst
William Ray Ryan Jr
Osbaldo Aguinaga
Jose Jesus Segura
Montgomery County Sheriff's Office
Roberto Perez
Joshua Gallimore
Charles George Krumm
Kedrayn Blueford
Inyerman Jose Munoz
Philadelphia PD
Jonathan Corbin
Curtis Wallace
Robert Jones
Alexander Spencer
Lawrence Packard
Pierce County Sheriff's Office
Dante Cudini
Jonathan Luksan
Lopeti Aiolupotea-Magalei
Alexei Giovanni Selivanoff
Timothy McDonald
Roswell PD
Louie Joseph Archuleta
Jason Torres
Jeremy Antoine Miller
Timothy Riley
Javier Harvey Salinas Jr
Spokane PD
Oscar Venegas
Joshua Musselman
Alan Jenks
Erick Cid
Craig Anglisano
St. Louis Metropolitan PD
Gregory Maxwell
Emeshyon Wilkins
Terry Pfeffer
Name withheld by police
Walter Young
Thornton PD
Brandon Martinez
Name withheld by police
Jasmine Denise Rhodes-Castro
Pedro Noe Sotelo
Joby Vigil
Abilene PD
Cris Eric Steenblock
John Kenney Dutton
Jeremy Bennett
Angela Jaques
Amarillo PD
Kurt David Cobain Gaede
Larry Dean Woolsey
Jesus Rodriguez
Pedro Amendariz
Arkansas State Police
Name withheld by police
Isaiah Cross
Carlos A. Rauda
Darrell Lawayne Esau II
Atlanta PD
Robert McVay
Devon Anderson
Reginald Folks
Claudy Pierre Jules
Aurora PD
Kilyn Lewis
Jose Luis Rodriguez-Balderrama
Kory Dillard
Jose David Guillen Socorro
Beaumont PD
Manuel Arteaga
Charles Patrick Carroll
Victoria Meza
Jeremie Jamson Coleman
Bradford County Sheriff's Office, Florida Highway Patrol
Lawrence McClendon Jr
Jabril Cheevers
Taleak Roberts
Philemon Moore
Broward County Sheriff's Office
Mario Bonilla
Robert Drangel
Alexander Staal
Rafael A. Molina
Chicago PD
David Curry
Tracey D. Watson
Dexter Reed
Alex Angel Cortez
Colorado Springs PD
Matthew D. Kemper
Tyler Jacob Ben
Michael Hurst
Dean Ackerman
Dallas PD
Domingo Pop-Pan
Cody Watkins
Corey Cobb-Bey
Timothy Jefferson
Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office
Anthony Dadante
Jason Douglas Paul
Raul Antonio Couto Rivera
Anthony Ray Gamez
Honolulu PD
Alston Kaipo Awong
Brandan Shae Maroney
Name withheld by police
Sidney Tafokitau
Memphis PD
Tremayne D. French
Freeman Sherman, Jr.
Jaylen Lobley
Joseph McKinney
Miami PD
Jason Wilkins
Mariel Rivera Samuels
Name withheld by police
Ramon De Jesus Blanco
Michigan State Police
Rayvon Shahid
Jonathan Jurecki
Richard Wilkinson
Name withheld by police
Missouri State Highway Patrol
Ryan D. Phillips
Delisha Evans
Chadwick Kelly
Name withheld by police
New York State Police
Ali Ali
James A. Dellea
Albert Melendez
Rakim A. Tillery
Newport News PD
Aaron Dusinberre
Stephen Williams
Monae Bonaparte
David Noteboom
North Charleston PD
Noland H. Clark
Quentin Ravenel
Stefan Sprincean
John Daniels
Oklahoma City PD
Kenneth Allsen
Annette Prince
Brandon Lena
Kavon Ragan
Omaha PD
Steven Phipps
Cameron Ford
Jonathan Hernandez-Rosales
Fernando Rodriguez-Juarez
Peoria PD
Jax Melwing
Donald Wilson
Christian Avalos Gonzales
Name withheld by police
Polk County Sheriff's Office
Charles Franklin Edwards Jr
Henry Maynard
Kyran Caples
Adayn Rodriguez
San Diego County Sheriff's Office
Gene Stewart
Dejon Marques Heard
Abdul Kamara
Victor Rendon Jr
Vancouver PD
Adam Grant Gunderson
Vadim Sashcheko
Michael D. Williams
Jonathan West Nelson
Baltimore PD
Robert Phillip Nedd Jr.
William Gardner
Anthony Ferguson
California Highway Patrol
Tyler Quentin Balaskovits
Jesus Pedro Garcia
Mauricio Sandoval
Chandler PD
Brandon Evans
Lorie Martha O'Neal
Ruben Felix Alejandro Lopez
Cobb County PD
Clifford Jacoby Beck
Nathain Jenkins
Emilio Aguilar
Dane County Sheriff's Department, Monona PD
Aaron Javon Willis
Aajayah Monai Ray
Rashad Lamar Nelson
Des Moines PD
Charles Leonard
Joshua Dean Green
Weston Dean Derby
Detroit PD
Jacob M. Moss
Name withheld by police
Name withheld by police
Easley PD
Daniel Scott McGoldrick
Nicholas Elias Fernandez
Shawn Elrod
El Paso PD
Michael Hobbs
Michael Estrada
Martin Herrera
Fayetteville PD
Name withheld by police
Name withheld by police
Shakoor Quayon Williams
Franklin County Sheriff's Office
Garrett Ryan
Joshua Burdin
Lawrence Scott
Fullerton PD
Lorenzo Roger Hills III
Scott William Thompson
Alejandro Campos Rios
Georgia State Patrol
Kamari Gamble
Keuntae Stewart
Kevin Kennedy
Hamilton County Sheriff's Office
Name withheld by police
Javontee Brice
Tyler Lebron Roberts
Hidalgo County Sheriff's Office
Javier Aguilar
Ruben Ollarzabal Chairez
Guillermo Rojas
Independence PD
Destinii Hope
Maria Pike
Sief Bani-Khalid
Jacksonville Sheriff's Office
Djuan Octavious Jackson
Dejuane Aki Hayden
Ray Anthony Ross
Kentucky State Police
Joshua George Arnold
Lance Wayne Bryson
Name withheld by police
Kern County Sheriff's Office
Austin Springer
Robert Eugene Robinson
Cole Jackson Hughes
Knoxville PD
Shilo Rice
William Charles McBride Jr.
Jamauri D. Griffin
Lakewood PD
Zacariah Devore
Robert Glenn King
Julian Giron
Long Beach PD
Brandon Salgado
Donald Washington
Brandon Boyd
Louisville Metro PD
Yoel Napoles-Ravelo
Nicholas Pierce
Brandon Marroquin
Maine State Police
Christopher Harriman
Leein Hinkley
Steven Paul Nelson
Marion County Sheriff's Office
Polina Wright
Lataurus Ladon Harrison
Jeremy Bradsher
Mesa PD
Edward Johnson
Brandon Franklin Kizer
Rachel Rodriguez
Monroe County Sheriff's Office
Brian Donald Miller
David Resmondo
Zoey Starr Heaviland
Portland Police Bureau
Nicholas G. Thorn
Richard Shawn Perez
Matthew L. Holland
Prince William County PD
Michael David Burke
Philip Austin Brant
Gabriel Rene Ramirez
Pueblo PD
Ronald James Courtney
James Jaramillo
Ronald Ray Valdez
St. Paul PD
Mychel Stowers
Pepsi Lee Heinl
Seantrell Murdock
Tempe PD
Matthew Granado
Jason Alexander Fox
Jake R. Carruth
Tulsa PD
Kyle Miller
Elmer Vargas
Jesus Huerta-Sanchez
U.S. Border Patrol
Kerri Settle
Name withheld by police
Name withheld by police
Virginia Beach PD
Brandon Raylin Closson
Robert Miller
Marques Hasbrouck
Virginia State Police
Andy Ernesto Espinoza Garay
Nicholas Owen Reed
Christopher J. Martin
Winston-Salem PD
Michael Preston-Robinson II
Shane William Sims
William Michael Fulk
Ada County Sheriff's Office
Lucas Alleman
Dominic Soto
Akron PD
Michael Donnell Jones
Jazmir Tucker
Altamonte Springs PD
Richard Phillip Randall Jr.
Eric Seckington
Arizona Department of Public Safety
Lemonte Anthony Knobelock
Ivory James Welch III
Athens PD
Gabriel McNutt
Maurice White
Bakersfield PD
J Felix Guadalupe Manzo Chocoteco
Alejandro Avalos
Beloit PD
Gregory Tracy
Michael P. Ward
Boise PD
Guadalupe Reyes
Dennis Mulqueen
Buffalo PD
Dae'von Roberts
Edward Holmes
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms
Sina Chohili Sobby
Bryan Keith Malinowski
Bureau of Indian Affairs
Jordan Parisien
Cody Whiterock
Carson City Sheriff's Office
Juan Herrea Mejorado
John Brown
Catawba County Sheriff's Office
Pierre Demond Ramseur
Michael Rose
Cedar Rapids PD
David Vanderhamm
Michael Griffin
Charlotte County Sheriff's Office
Andrew Mostyn Jr
Elroy Clarke
Charlotte-Mecklenburg PD
Lucas Armstrong
Nelson Javier Funez Reyes
Clark County Sheriff's Office
Jonathan Gale
Benjamin Steven Woods
Clayton County PD
Hakim Al-Nas
Robert Prince
Crookston PD
Christopher Junkin
Andrew Scott Dale
DC Metropolitan PD
Justin Robinson
Clifford Brooks
Dayton PD
Taylor Cotton
Brian Moody
DeSoto PD
Arthur Lee Armstrong Jr.
Jesse Martinez
Delaware State Police
Francisco Vasquez
Arnold Azamar
Denver PD
Christopher Cauch
Dona Ana County Sheriff's Office
Michael Christopher Goodheart
Adrian Jose Guzman
Donley County Sheriff's Office
Edward Luis Stevenson
Elizabeth Jo Stevenson
Fontana PD
Jesus Garcia
Marcus Allen Camacho
Forsyth County Sheriff's Office
Meagan Victoria Feaster
Joshua Everett Emmett
Fort Lauderdale PD
Jalen Moore
Karl Chludinsky
Fort Pierce PD
David Taylor
Bernard Smith
Galveston PD
Ezekiel Luke Savell
Jesse Hartman
Greensboro PD
Titus Kopp
Gerald Pinckney
Guadalupe County Sheriff's Office
Claire Janice Roth
Kenneth R. Grimm
Gulfport PD
George Jones III
Kendrall Tate
Gwinnett County PD
Brayden Hemphill
Steven Scott
Hamilton PD
Zachary Andrew Athearn
Vincent Correa
Harrisburg PD
Santiago Gutierrez
Kendrell Hall
Hialeah PD
Alex Gonzalez Jr.
Name withheld by police
Humboldt County Sheriff's Office
Daniel Martinez
Kevin Jeffrey Burks
Huntsville PD
Austin Flores
Naimmikal Wayne Sanders
Illinois State Police
Floyd D. Caudill
Trayvon C Little
Irvine PD
Paul Parvea Montazer
Aaron Matthew Shindle
Jackson County Sheriff's Office
Robert Bex
Name withheld by police
Jackson PD
Erick Raudales Aguilera
Name withheld by police
Jamestown PD
Raul Portugal
Devin Quinn Fontenot
Jasper County Sheriff's Office
Rhyker Earl
Michael Antwiler
Jefferson County Sheriff's Office
Kristin Dock
Anthony Joseph Stratmann Jr
Jefferson Parish Sheriff's Office
Steven D. Fifer Sr.
Matthew Lathers
Johnston County Sheriff's Office
Jose Luis Rincon Lopez
Name withheld by police
Kanawha County Sheriff's Office
Phillip Scott Duelley
Name withheld by police
Lafayette PD
Rigoberto Sanchez
Russell Q. Francis Jr.
Laurens County Sheriff's Office
Curtis "CJ" Glen Purvis Jr.
Antonio Lavar Sullivan
Lee County Sheriff's Office
Sterling Ramon Alavache
Alphonso Neal
Lincoln City PD
Francisco Campos
Walter O. Anderson
Lincoln County Sheriff's Office
Virginia Lee Morris
Name withheld by police
Linn County Sheriff's Office
Gino Anthony Marcoccia
David Tobias Tyler
Littleton PD
Keith Alan Beyer
Adam Cygan
Lubbock PD
Jacob Alonzo
Roy Chadwick Jr.
Macomb PD
Terrell Miller
Anthony T George
Manchester PD
Jake Chiaradonna
Andrew E. Smith
McComb PD
Jamorion Seiber
Usher Leonard
Melbourne PD
John Jay Neibuhr
William Banks
Metropolitan Nashville PD
Max Van Sickle
Adam Rodriguez
Miami-Dade PD
Gabriel Gelpi Rodriguez
Christopher Lynn Bailey
Midland PD
Joseph Reyes Munoz
Name withheld by police
Minneapolis PD
Michael Warren Ristow
Mustafa Ahmed Mohamed
Missoula PD
Ross Robinson
Christopher Brian Couts
Montgomery County PD
Melvin Omar Chavez-Paz
Bishop Jones-Daniel
Nashua PD
Ryan Prudhomme
Heath Thompson
Nassau County PD
Jeremy L. Bennett
David Clements
Nicholas County Sheriff's Office
Jonathan Pritt Jr.
Gary Allen Johnson
Norfolk PD
Santonio P Lee
Gary S. Solomon
North Las Vegas PD
Edward Brooks
Julian McCoy
Ogden PD
Jeffrey Allen Blue
William Marvin Toon
Ohio State Highway Patrol
Donovan Joyner
Charles Alexander
Oklahoma Highway Patrol
Dario Hendrix
Crystal Price
Opelika PD
Damion Laddal Jones
Tias Dequan Cobb
Orlando PD
Timothy Woods
Michael David Dennis
Palm Bay PD
Joseph Fleming
Brandon William Kapas
Pasadena PD
Ricardo Guade Andrade
William Ritchie
Pasco County Sheriff's Office
Isabella North
Paul Smith
Pima County Sheriff's Office
Joseph Mudd III
Devon Lewis
Putnam County Sheriff's Office
Phillip Allen Baldwin
Emmanuel Lee Vestal
Quincy PD
Jose A. Rico-Flores
Donald H Hibbard
Richmond PD
Kyle Harris
Kenneth Sharp
Roanoke City PD
Name withheld by police
Travis Tauren Martin
San Francisco PD
Peter Hodge
Alexander Antonio Lopez
San Marcos PD
Dennis Thornton
Malachi Wiliams
Shelby PD
Tyler Jacobs
Name withheld by police
Sioux City PD
Jamie Orozco
Salvador Perez-Garcia
Spartanburg County Sheriff's Office
Nicholas Daniel Austin Papala
Jason Chad Prosser
Spring Garden Township PD
Zachariah Alexander White
Payden Sells
Springfield PD
Devin J. Lewis
Tevin Chatman
St. Johns County Sheriff's Office
Name withheld by police
Miguel Antonio Moreno
Suffolk County PD
Henry Sanders
Taiquell Woodson
Sullivan County Sheriff's Office
William Kevin Guinn
Cameron Lee Atkins
Sumter County Sheriff's Office
Jane Sours
Jamie Lynn Still
Tangipahoa Parish Sheriff's Office
Timothy Douglas
Warren Tyrek Burton
Tarrant County Sheriff's Office
Joshua Hughes
Bo William Aurell
Taylorsville PD
Henry Chavez Jr.
Foueti Afeaki
Temple PD
Billy Gordon
Chad Hartley
Tipton County Sheriff's Office
Logan Kilpatrick
Rickey Ray Reed
Toledo PD
Erica Allen
Albert Alderman
Tucson PD
Fabian Garcia
Jacob Dryer
Tuscaloosa PD
Joseph Earl Driver
Evet Michelle Tower
Washington County Sheriff's Office
David Peter
Brian James Propes
Washington State Patrol
Marvin Arellano
Ivan Zaystev
Waterloo PD
Kelvin Lee Plain Jr.
John Piazza
Wayne County Sheriff's Office
Jeremy Bertram
Name withheld by police
Weber County Sheriff's Office
James Kudelka
Name withheld by police
West Virginia State Police
Harman Davis
Justin Denver Grant
White County Sheriff's Office
Jerson D. Martinez
James John Fox
Whitehall PD
Santiago Elias Alfaro Munoz
Alex Menhenett
Wichita PD
Larry K. Armour
Luis Alfonso Rivera
Yankton Sioux Tribal PD
Charles �Chuck� World Turner
Name withheld by police
York County Sheriff's Office
Richard Zonjic
Charlie Lee Baker
Youngstown PD
Shane Linderman
Mathue O�Malley
Ada County Sheriff's Office, Boise PD
Jeremiah Gaver
Adams County Sheriff's Office
Name withheld by police
Alabama Law Enforcement Agency
Boyd Douglas Phillips
Alachua County Sheriff's Office, Jackson County Sheriff's Office, Hamilton County Sheriff's Office
Joseph Ogle
Alaska State Police, Malvern PD
Eddie Williams III
Alaska State Troopers
Kirk Medak
Albany PD
Name withheld by police
Alcorn County Sheriff's Office
Name withheld by police
Alexander County Sheriff's Office
Jason Melvin Williams
Alexandria PD
Paul G. Behan Jr.
Allegheny County PD
Mark Coleman
Allen County Sheriff's Office
Jeffrey Stoppenhagen
Alton PD
Vernon Randle Jr.
Altus PD
Valentin Benavides IV
Anaheim PD
Name withheld by police
Andrews PD, Andrews County Sheriff's Office
Ricardo Infante Jr.
Appleton PD
Derk A. Brachmann
Arapahoe County Sheriff's Office
Everett Duriel Shockley
Arkansas State Police, Benton PD
Aaron T. Watson
Arlington County PD
Cedric Butler
Ashe County Sheriff's Office
Stuart Chad Mast
Asheville PD
Chad Owen Herman
Ashtabula County Sheriff's Office
John Perry
Atascosa County Sheriff's Office
Richard Albert Viscarra Jr
Athens-Clarke County PD
Marquavious Sims
Atlanta PD, US Marshals Service
Derrick Rankins
Auburn PD, King County Sheriff's Office
Michael Aaron Vaughn
Auburn PD
Amari Justin Young
Augusta PD, Maine Capitol Police Department
Liban S. Mohamed
Avoyelles Parish Sheriff's Office, Louisiana State Police
Joshua Nugent
Avoyelles Parish Sheriff's Office
Howard Williams
Balcones Heights PD
Marta Lamar Prater
Baldwin County Sheriff's Office
Logan Tyler Swanson
Baldwin PD, Brentwood Police Department, Bethel Park Police Department
Christopher Lee Shepherd
Baltimore County PD
Sha-Kim Akil Webley
Bandera County Sheriff's Office
Sterling Mark Brantley
Banning PD
Fernando Guerrero Esparza
Barry County Sheriff's Office
Jeremiah J. Johnson
Bartow County Sheriff's Office
Chris Cochran
Bastrop County Sheriff's Office
Christian Felix Gonzales
Battle Creek PD
Dario Agudelo
Beaverton PD
Jacob Daniel Bundy
Beech Grove PD
Joshua Richard
Bellevue PD
Daniel H. Kerr
Bend PD
Gabriel Keith Platz
Bentonville PD
Nathaniel Mark Crabtree
Bertie County Sheriff's Office
Tyshawn Demmoris Barnes
Beverly Hills PD
Tomas Ramirez
Bexar County Sheriff's Office
Roman Urbano Jr.
Big Spring PD
Justin Rodriguez
Billings PD
James Summers Bennett
Biloxi PD
Jason Moore
Birmingham PD
Daniel Allen Johnson
Boca Raton PD
Morey Clemmons
Bonneville County Sheriff's Office
Joshua Ramirez
Bowling Green PD
Name withheld by police
Bozeman PD, Gallatin County Sheriff's Office
Rick Alastor Newman
Brea PD
Mohammad Hossein Mohammadinia
Brentwood Borough PD
Craig W. McGrath
Brevard County Sheriff's Office
Robert Barry
Brewer PD
Barry Chick Jr.
Bridgeport PD
Jonathan Mark Lewis Bell
Broken Arrow PD
Name withheld by police
Broomfield PD
Name withheld by police
Buena Park PD
Chaz Macabee
Bulloch County Sheriff's Office, Georgia State Patrol
Stanley Lamar Reed
Bulloch County Sheriff's Office
Robert Allen Bostic
Caddo Parish Sheriff's Office, Bossier City PD
Javaria R. Taylor
Calcasieu Parish Sheriff's Office
Quinton C Baker
Caldwell County Sheriff's Office
Name withheld by police
California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation
Jeremy Sanchez
California State Parks Police
Vinton Jay Miller
Callaway County Sheriff's Office
Jonathan A. Beason
Campbell County Sheriff's Office
Christopher Baeza Morales
Campbell PD
Miguel Agustin Nava Gomez
Campbellsville PD, Taylor County Sheriff's Office
Terry Thompson
Canton PD
Frank Tyson
Carlisle PD
Nathaniel Lawrence Liberator
Carmel PD
James Marshall
Carol Stream PD
Issac Goodlow III
Carroll County Sheriff's Office, Georgia State Patrol
Jason Scott Fletcher
Cascade County Sheriff's Office
Michael Lee Hanson
Casper PD
Trae Stewart Spurlock
Cass County Sheriff's Office
Christopher S. Evans
Castle Rock PD
Name withheld by police
Catahoula Parish Sheriff's Office
Raymond Huddleston
Catoosa County Sheriff's Office, Georgia State Patrol
Dameion Coonrod
Catoosa County Sheriff's Office
Edward Dale Ahrens
Ceres PD
Alexander Yepez Ortega
Chadron PD
Adrian Muniz
Chambers County Sheriff's Office
Christian Acosta
Charles County Sheriff's Office
Jordan Keith Proctor
Charleston PD
Andrew Williams
Charlotte-Mecklenburg PD, U.S. Marshals Service
Terry Clark Hughes
Chattanooga PD
Roberto Carlos Rodriguez Zayas
Cherokee County Sheriff's Office, Floyd County Sheriff's Office